
Happy Arbor Day on behalf of the Green World Alliance team!

National Arbor day is a celebration that reminds us of the importance of trees.
After Earth day, this is another day to remember to plant, protect, and preserve trees.

History of Arbor day

J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska newspaper editor and “tree enthusiast”, proposed a holiday to plant trees and the first date was set for April 10, 1872.
Over 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska that day. The new holiday spread over other states and is now a national holiday celebrated every last Friday of April in all 50 states.
Read more from the Arbor Day Foundation.

How do trees benefit our environment?

Trees produce oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and supply so needed wildlife habitat.
They also provide shade and lower the temperature in the summer, saving energy.
They offer beauty with their different shapes, sizes, colors, blooms, and barks, and act as natural anxiolytic.
Their leaves naturally compost and soil is renewed.
There are many more benefits you can find at 8 Billion Trees.

What can we do?

Here are a few things you can do today!
– If you don’t have a garden, make a donation, even a small one makes a difference, it is $1-$2 per tree! You can give to the Arbor Day Foundation, the National Forests Foundation, or to 8 Billion Trees
– Instead of cutting your tree, keep it, and work around it, or with it.
– Keep your trees healthy. Feed your trees organically by composting at home. Check out this article on NPR:
– If you have a sick tree, consult your local arborist for a vitamin treatment. I saved many trees this way and they ended up looking amazing the same season or next.
You can buy products at your local garden store to help restore your tree’s health. If you want a free and most efficient alternative, find a DIY treatment online like this solution described step-by-step in the Dallas News:
– Let the new trees sprout from the ground by avoiding grass and destructive mowing as much as possible, instead let a third or more of your garden thrive naturally, and use natural ground covers that do not require maintenance.
– And of course, plant trees for your future and future generations, just as you get to enjoy these trees planted or naturally grown before you.

Learn more about this holiday at

Happy Arbor Day on behalf of the Green World Alliance team!

Roxane RB.