For a brief window in 2020 the world economy slowed. Roads and sidewalks emptied as citizens retreated indoors to protect their health and slow viral spread. Dwindling tourism and closed borders forced the carbon-intensive airline industry to ground planes and schedule half-empty flights, creating extreme financial distress across the global aviation sector.Read More →

According to the University of Sydney, nearly 1 Billion animals are feared dead as a direct and indirect result of the fires that have been catastrophic across the continent. The fires have been ongoing for several months, having been ignited for various reasons but exacerbated by climate change including extendedRead More →

StarTalk is a podcast hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson that dives into the topics of science, pop culture, and comedy. Each episode features people who work in various scientific fields and a comedic element from Co-Host Chuck Nice along with other interesting people with a questioning stance on the cosmos.Read More →

The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival in New York City, is offering 10 days of film screenings, panel discussion, field trips, receptions, parties, and a conference. This year marks the 9th annual festival, dedicated to environmental issues and the advancement of science. Categories include best ocean film, best animation film, bestRead More →

Η πνευμονική ατελεκτασία Proscar, επομένως, μπορεί να σχετίζεται με πνευμονίτιδα από λύκο και μερικές φορές με κυψελιδική ίνωση. Η πενταπλή εμφάνιση συμπτωμάτων αλλεργικής ρινίτιδας είναι αντιστρόφως ανάλογη με την έκθεση των κεντρικών περιοχών και της ενδοτοξίνης σχεδόν στην παιδική ηλικία.A coalition of around 10,000 farmers and ranchers announced theyRead More →

The Trump administration has proposed lifting logging restrictions on Tongass National Forest. The proposal would allow for roads to be built in an area that had been previously designated as part of Alaska’s roadless rule. The roadless rule is currently in effect for 9.2 million acres of the total 16.8Read More →


Americans are notoriously bad at recycling. We don’t like thinking about trash. As soon as our trash is tossed in the bin, it is forgotten about forever, for someone else to deal with. The average person doesn’t know how recycling works in the U.S. The people who generally know howRead More →

The recycling industry is going through changes. China made the decision in 2018 to no longer accept recyclables that are deemed contaminated. This resulted in much of the world’s recycling no longer being accepted. As a result, China has imported 99 percent less plastics since 2018. The void that hasRead More →