The International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture is happening August 15th-16th in Rome, Italy. The annual event’s theme this year is the global state of agriculture. Geared toward industry professionals and academia, this event is expected to bring roughly 2,000 participants and 50 Exhibitors from around the world. The companyRead More →


The Vertical Farming Conference kicks off today in Venlo, The Netherlands as part of the Agri-Food Innovation Event. Today’s speaker is Andre Fabris, as part of the smart farming conference, a section of the Vertical Farming Conference. Fabris will likely speak about Project Animus, a slightly elusive machine learning andRead More →


The Vertical Farming trend is growing in America, promising a more sustainable approach than conventional farming practices. Paul Gauthier, a leading thought leader in the field, is out to show the potential for vertical farming and the hurdles the industry faces. Companies are investing in Vertical Farm start-ups in largeRead More →