Best colleges put out their list for the top 15 green campuses in the United States. The review took into account many factors including programs offered, STARS ratings, on-campus waste and energy consumption alternative transportation, funding of green proposals and more. As sustainability initiatives gain traction in the country, educational institutions will need to green their operations and offerings in order to lessen their impact and attract the best students.

Colorado State University- Fort Collins is the greenest school on the list boasting it Platinum STARS rating and being the first school in the world to achieve the rating. The school has a solar-heated/air-conditioned on-campus building and has worked with NASA on a cloud-profiling radar system monitoring climate change. The college also offers programs in ecosystem science, sustainability, alternative fuels, conservation and more.

Stanford university received second place on the list due to their focus on reducing their energy and water usage on campus. Other notable colleges on the list include the University of Connecticut, University of Washington, University of California- Santa Barbara, and Oregon State University. The greening of colleges is likely to become a growing trend in the coming years.


Read the full list here