About Green World Alliance
Green World was established in 2006 to accelerate the adoption of sustainability best practices and transformative solutions. We share knowledge and know-how through our green news portal and educational programming, covering a wide range of sustainability topics, events, and issues. By utilizing alliances with organizations, thought leaders, and solutions providers, Green World consults with end-users to meet their specific challenges in implementing sustainable practices and projects.
Current Green World Alliance Projects:
Media Channels: Knowledge portal, social media, newsletters, and other means bring up-to-date information to enhance end-user sustainability quotients.
Educational Series: Interactive sessions allow specific industries and user groups to make more informed decisions as they implement projects and acquire green solutions.
Consulting and Project Implementation: Consortium of Thought Leaders and Solution Providers enable end-users to elevate sustainability impact and return on investment.
Innovation Acceleration: Research, investment, and marketing resources support the life cycle of green innovation.
Green Consumerism and Activism: Online greenest products and initiatives to propel consumer choices and engagement.
Green World Alliance Accomplishments:
- Established the first Green Zone for the International Council of Shopping Centers 50,000 attendee RECON Convention, including initiatives like an online knowledge portal, educational sessions, and booth/sponsorship acquisition.
- Assisted numerous organizations with their event and education programming, such as NetZero, SWANA, Greenbuild, Solar Powered International, Microgrid Knowledge, Biomass International, and others.
- Implemented energy audits and lighting upgrades for many industrial, apartment, office, manufacturing, retail, hotel, and municipal clients.
- Designed and assisted sustainability master plans for municipalities, schools, and building owners, enhancing their financial bottom-lines while at the same time reducing their impact on the environment.
- Supported breakthrough innovations through research, investment, and marketing to enhance their successful entry into the marketplace, innovations such as a transformative waste-to-energy solution.
Green World Alliance Internal Team:
Jeffrey Grossberg, Director, Editor-in-Chief
Roxane RB, Media Director, Marketing Strategist
Jacqueline (Jackie) Cordell, VP of Consulting and Team Development
Raghunath Reddy Koilakonda, Chief Data and Operations Officer
Adam Catris, Solution Provider Leader, Sustainability Knowledge Provider
Ally Larson, Social Media Manager, Writer/Researcher, Newsletter Content Manager
Anna Langlois, Editor, Writer, Media Team Coordinator
Ao Chen, Sustainability Explorer
Chris Ng, End User Work Pod Leader
Claire Chevalier, Ambassador and End User Coordinator
Daniella Orellana, Writer/Researcher
Eddie Ko, Sustainability Explorer
Ella Mao, Sustainability Explorer
Elvan Zheng, Sustainability Explorer
Isabella Wilkes, Editor-in-Chief
Jacob Rosen, Sustainability and Content Author/Digital Media Strategist
Joseph Pollack, Sustainability Explorer
Lilianna Vaughan, Event Production Assistant
Linsie Zou, Inputs and Materials Work Pod Leader
Liv Clafford, Team Coordinator
Lydia Kain, Sustainability Explorer
Madlen Anderson, Sustainability Content Manager, Innovation Work Pod Leader
Mariana Monahan, Writer/Researcher, Social Media
Markis Cheng, Sustainability Explorer
Maxwell Rowe–Sutton, Media Team Coordinator and Editor
McLennan, Writer/Researcher
Natalie Krauskopf, Researcher/Topics Content Manager
Olivia Braun, Writer/Researcher, Editor
Olivia D, Researcher, Topics Content Manager, C&P
Pedro Nakashima, Marketing and Sales Associate
Pierce Lynch, Energy Efficiency Pod Leader
Richa Patel, Research Coordinator
Roger Cheng, Sustainability Explorer
Samy Natarajan, Sustainability Explorer
Sid Vanam, Data Team Leader
Terron Washington, Marketing and Sales Associate
Timothee Maret, Sustainability Explorer
Von Herrmann, CTO, Marketing Strategist
Zoe Lauer, Sustainability Explorer