Good House Keeping has recently published a list of the “11 Best Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products”.
Among other products tested successfully were:
Bon Ami Powder Cleanser, Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner, Method ANTIBAC Bathroom Cleaner, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Shaker, and many more.
It is also good to look at eco-friendly options for all sorts of products like appliances, foods, transportation like EV, building, even clothes like Patagonia!
But what do all these products have in common? What makes a product eco-friendly?
For most household and beauty products, if not all, eco-friendly products are cruelty free. The reasons are quite simple:
- Products tested on animals often contain harsh chemicals which is why they test on animals, even though we have modern ways to test that do not involve this cruel process.
- Eco-friendly often accompanies an effort to be progressive and use proven modern technologies to test products.
- Eco-friendly companies or branches of a company simply care about the environment and live beings.
What else do they have in common? Sustainability.
These green teams working in the green industry have to be very creative at different stages of their products.
From local ressources, to manufacturing, packaging, and even distribution, every step counts to make a product really eco-friendly.
From organic and vegan ingredients, to recycled packages, and use of green energy during the process, it takes our environmentally-friendly manufacturers a lot of efforts and research to deliver a product that later needs to be labelled.
Labeling is also a big step.
While we start seeing a lot of fraud, there are regulations in place and most products are labeled accurately within the U.S. Among other important labels, you can find and trust
Rainforest Alliance, USDA Certified Organic, FSC-Certified, Fair Trade, ENERGY STAR, LEED, Certified Vegan…
You can find all these U.S. ecolabels and green stickers here:,us
Roxane B.